In the frame of the International Conference „Freedom of Information under Pressure. Control – Crisis – Culture“ (
http://freedom-of-information.info/), solidarity4all.vienna is organizing the screening of the documentary „Ruins – Chronicle of a HIV witch-hunt“, with which we intend to thematize another yet example of the oppression and antidemocratic policies that are nowadays applied in Greece.RUINS discusses the problem of HIV criminalization in Greece and the prosecution and public humiliation of HIV positive women – a case study of severe violations of privacy and human rights. The documentary describes the shocking story of a group of HIV-positive women who were detained by the Greek police, forcibly tested, charged with a felony, imprisoned and publicly exposed, when their mug shots and personal data were published in the media, in the run-up to the country’s 2012 national elections.
After the screening (54 minutes approx), a discussion will follow with:
– Mariniki Alevizopoulou (Journalist, UNFOLLOW magazine)
– Kathrin Niedermoser (Klinik der Solidarität, University of Vienna)
– George Katrougalos (Professor, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
The event is open to the public and will take place at the premises of the University of Vienna on the 27th of February at 19:00 (Address: NIG, Hörsaal III, Erdgeschoß, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010)
Hope to see you all there!
You can find more information about the documentary, on its official website: http://ruins-documentary.com/en/